Why Home Care is better than a Home

Posted on 27 February 2014

Here at SureCare, we believe passionately in the importance of helping people retain as much independence as possible for as long as they can.

While we accept that there comes a point when families have no alternative but to consider moving their loved one into a care home, choosing the right personal care and home care services can extend a person’s time living independently quite considerably.

There are many reasons why helping someone to maintain independence in their home for as long as possible is so important. They include:

  1. Independence – when asked the question, how many people wouldn’t choose to stay in their own home
  2. Comfort and familiarity – nothing beats the familiarity of one’s own home. The chance to watch TV in your own living room or sleep in your own bed at night
  3. Family and Friends – when someone is in hospital or a nursing home, visiting times for family and friends are often restricted. By being independent in your own home, no one can tell you when someone can or cannot visit;
  4. Faster Recovery – there has been extensive research carried out which shows that people make a quicker recovery if they are in their own home rather than in a hospital, particularly if they are able to take advantage of the highest quality of home care;
  5. Treatment – by living at home, both the patient and their loved ones can be far more involved in the treatment process, including helping to collect and administer medication as required.

We all know how hard it can be to leave home, whether it is heading off to university for the first time, relocating with work or downsizing because the children have flown the nest. So imagine how much harder it must be for an elderly relative to face the possibility of having to leave their home – and possibly never returning there.

The standard of personal care and home care services in the UK today has never been higher. Reputable providers like our SureCare carers are helping thousands of clients each day remain independent in their homes, ensuring quality of care and compassion and supporting the efforts of families and friends.

To find out more about our personal care and home care services, please contact us today.